• National Conference

    March 07-08,2024 Venue : CAET, Dr. PDKV, Akola (Maharashtra)

    Innovative Technologies and Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture
  • Agri Startup

    Forming Network of Alumni of Agri-Universities in Maharashtra

    Development of Agri-startups ecosystem in the state by forming linkages network of Alumni of all the four agri-universities in Maharashtra state.
  • Development of

    Agri Engineering Cluster

    Farm Machinery | Agro Processing | Renewable Energy

Agri Startup Incubation Programme

Aimed at strengthening Infrastructure in Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering & Renewable Energy as well as allied areas in order to provide start-up facilities for Entrepreneurship Development.

PDKV Research and Incubation Foundation, a Section 8 company is incorporated on June 24th, 2019 under Companies Act 2013. The ‘Incubation Foundation’ is supported by Maharashtra State Innovation Society, Government of Maharashtra

Agri Technology

Agro Processing

Farm Mechanization

Renewable Energy

RECENT Startup

Some of the Individuals/Companies which have been selected for Agri-Startup Incubation Programme.


Our numbers speaks for ourselves
We’re working hard towards creating an ecosystemn which will strenghten the way for Agri Start-ups to grow fast. Agri Start-ups are way forward for sustainable development of Agriculture and related services in the country.


In Market


Pre Revenue





word from Director

Welcome to the PDKV- Research and Incubation Foundation, Dr. PDKV, Akola!

I am confident that the startups, hosted by us, shall perform the best on technological, social, and economical front. I, on the behalf of the entire fraternity of PDKV-RIF, cordially invite companies/individuals to come forward and let their innovations to strengthening infrastructure in agriculture, agricultural engineering & renewable energy as well as allied areas in order to provide start-up facilities for entrepreneurship development. I sincerely look forward to establishing a fruitful and long-standing relationship.

Dr. S. R. Kalbande

Director PDKV-RIF, Akola

Latest Event

Few of our upcoming and past events.


A feedback from some of our incubatees.
  • Maharashtra State Innovation Society
  • Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth

The Best time for Agri Startup is now

Maharashtra's first Agro Entrepreneurship Incubation Programme is here to help you.
Apply Now!

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